Indonesian Export Volume Up 46.7%

Increasing non-oil exports of first quarter 2010 amounted to 46.7% compared to the first quarter of 2010 gives a positive signal for growth in exports in 2010. Mahendra Siregar, Deputy Minister of Trade reasoned, because the positive growth of export is not just happening in the month to month and year to year, but also occurs in the movement in cumulative 12-month that begins to show a positive direction.
"This performance shows the reversal of Indonesia's export performance has happened since the last quarter 2009 will continue to rise in 2010," he told reporters in Jakarta on Monday (3 / 5). Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia recorded a total export value during March 2010 reached U.S. $ 12.63 billion or an increase of 13.11% compared with exports in February 2010. While when compared with March 2009 increased by 46.61%.
While non-oil exports in March 2010 reached U.S. $ 10.65 billion, up 18.40% compared to February 2010, while compared to March 2009 exports increased by 45.17%. Cumulatively, the value of Indonesia's exports during January-March 2010 reached U.S. $ 35.39 billion, an increase of 53.68% over the same period in 2009. While non-oil exports reached U.S. $ 28.89 billion, an increase of 46.66%.